Caleb S.
Caleb S.

Different Types of Plagiarism and How To Avoid Them

8 min read

Published on: Jul 25, 2022

Last updated on: Dec 13, 2024

types of plagiarism

Plagiarism is when you copy someone else’s work and try to pass it off as your own. 

Many students don’t realize how serious this is, but it can lead to failing grades or even being expelled. 

The good news is that this blog will help you understand different types of plagiarism and show you how to avoid them. Knowing about plagiarism is important for your academic success and for staying honest in your work.

So, let's get started!

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What is Plagiarism and Why is it Important to Understand?

Plagiarism means taking someone else’s ideas, writing, or research and using them as if they were your own. 

This can be anything from copying a few sentences to using someone’s entire paper. Whether you do this on purpose or by mistake, it’s still considered plagiarism. 

So why should you care? Let’s explore why understanding plagiarism is so important.

Why is it Important to Understand?

Here is why it is important to understand and avoid plagiarism:

  • Respect for Others' Ideas: Plagiarism is not just copying words; it’s about acknowledging others' creativity and effort.
  • Maintaining Academic Integrity: Understanding plagiarism helps you stay honest and original in your work.
  • Avoiding Serious Penalties: Plagiarism can lead to failing grades, academic suspension, or even expulsion.
  • Upholding Values of Honesty: By avoiding plagiarism, you protect the values of fairness and trust in your academic community.
  • Building Your Own Skills: Understanding plagiarism encourages you to do your own work and improve your skills.

8 Common Types of Plagiarism

There are several types of plagiarism, some of which may seem harmless but can have serious consequences. Here are the most common ones you need to be aware of.

Complete Plagiarism 

This is the most obvious form of plagiarism. It involves copying someone else’s entire work and submitting it as your own. Whether it’s an essay, research paper, or any other assignment, complete plagiarism is outright theft of intellectual property.

Example: Submitting a friend’s essay as your own or downloading a paper from the internet and presenting it without changes.

How to Avoid:

  • Always create original content based on your own ideas and research.
  • When you need to reference someone else's work, make sure to cite it correctly.
  • Use plagiarism checkers before submitting your work.

Verbatim Plagiarism

Verbatim plagiarism happens when you copy someone else’s work word-for-word without giving them credit. Even if you change a few words or sentences, it still counts as plagiarism if the original work is easily identifiable.

Example: Copying paragraphs from a published article into your essay without using quotation marks or citations.

How to Avoid:

  • Paraphrase the information and cite the original source.
  • Use quotation marks for direct quotes and provide proper citations.
  • Understand the material and rewrite it in your own words.

Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic plagiarism occurs when you take phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs from various sources and combine them into your work without proper citation. While the work may appear original, it’s actually a mix of others' ideas.

Example: Taking lines from three different articles and blending them into a single paragraph without acknowledging the sources.

How to Avoid:

  • Always cite your sources when you use someone else’s words or ideas.
  • Ensure your work reflects your understanding and analysis.
  • Use your own voice and avoid stringing together other people’s words.


Self-plagiarism is when you reuse your own previous work or parts of it in a new assignment without acknowledgment. It might seem harmless, but submitting the same paper for multiple classes or projects is unethical.

Example: Using a portion of a research paper you submitted last semester in a new assignment without informing your instructor.

How to Avoid:

  • Always create new content for each assignment.
  • If you must reference your past work, ask your instructor for permission.
  • Use past work only as a reference, not as the main content.

Accidental Plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism happens when you forget to cite sources or accidentally use someone else’s work without proper attribution. It can happen to anyone, but it’s still considered plagiarism.

Example: Using statistics from a report but forgetting to include a citation in your bibliography.

How to Avoid:

  • Take notes carefully and record your sources as you research.
  • Review your work before submission to ensure all sources are properly cited.
  • Use citation management tools to keep track of your references.

Source-based Plagiarism

This occurs when you incorrectly cite your sources or misrepresent them, such as using a secondary source instead of the original. It gives the impression that you are working from an authentic source when you’re not.

Example: Citing a book you haven’t read based on information from a summary or review.

How to Avoid:

  • Always trace back to the original source, not just secondary references.
  • Check the credibility of your sources before using them.
  • Provide accurate and complete citation information.

Inaccurate Citation

This type of plagiarism involves providing incorrect or incomplete citation details. Whether it’s the wrong format or missing key information, inaccurate citations mislead the reader and can be flagged as plagiarism.

Example: Using an outdated APA style format or omitting the page number for a direct quote.

How to Avoid:

  • Follow the correct citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) as required by your assignment.
  • Double-check your citations to ensure accuracy.
  • Use citation generators or guides to help format your references.

Inadequate Paraphrase Plagiarism

Paraphrasing is not just about changing a few words. Inadequate paraphrasing occurs when you rephrase someone’s work without properly attributing the source, which can still be considered plagiarism.

Example: Rewriting a paragraph by replacing only a few words while keeping the structure and meaning identical to the original.

How to Avoid:

  • When paraphrasing, ensure the original meaning is retained but rewritten in your own style.
  • Always cite the source of the paraphrased content.
  • Don’t rely too heavily on paraphrasing—use your own analysis and ideas.

6 Unusual Types of Plagiarism

Plagiarism isn’t limited to just copying words or ideas. There are more unconventional forms of plagiarism that you should also be aware of.

Hired Plagiarism

This is when you pay someone else to do your work or submit a paper that isn’t your own. Hired plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and can lead to severe consequences.

Example: Paying an online service to write your essay and submitting it as your own.

How to Avoid:

  • Always complete your own work to the best of your ability.
  • Seek help from tutors, peers, or writing centers if needed, but don’t buy papers.
  • Focus on learning and improving your skills rather than finding shortcuts.

Borrowed Plagiarism

Borrowed plagiarism happens when you take someone else’s work and slightly alter it but still submit it as your own. You might make small changes, but the original work remains recognizable.

Example: Changing a few words in a friend’s essay and submitting it as your own.

How to Avoid:

  • Create content based on your own research and thoughts.
  • Even if you make minor changes, cite the original source.
  • Stay away from reusing large chunks of other people’s ideas.

Collaboration Plagiarism

This type of plagiarism happens when two or more students work on an assignment together but fail to properly attribute each other's contributions.

Example: Two students co-write an essay but submit it separately without mentioning the collaboration.

How to Avoid:

  • Clearly define each person’s role in a group project.
  • Acknowledge each collaborator’s contributions to your final work.
  • If you're using someone else's idea, always give them credit.

Aggregator Plagiarism

Aggregator plagiarism is when you collect information from multiple sources and simply list it without adding your own interpretation or analysis. It’s a form of plagiarism because you’re not engaging with the material in a meaningful way.

Example: Writing an essay that is just a compilation of quotes and statistics without any personal input or analysis.

How to Avoid:

  • Synthesize information from various sources into your own perspective.
  • Provide analysis and critical thinking to back up the information.
  • Cite your sources when presenting factual data or ideas.

Outline Plagiarism

Outline plagiarism happens when you copy another person’s outline or structure for your work without crediting them. Even if you develop the content yourself, the structure remains someone else’s.

Example: Using a detailed outline from a classmate’s presentation and filling it with your own content without attribution.

How to Avoid:

  • Create your own outline based on your research and understanding.
  • Avoid using someone else’s outline unless you acknowledge it.
  • Be creative and develop a structure that best suits your work.

Secondary Plagiarism

Secondary plagiarism is when you take someone else's work and pass it off as your own, but you are unaware that it has been copied from a third party. This often happens when someone else provides you with material they’ve plagiarized.

Example: Submitting a report provided by a friend, not realizing they copied it from an online source.

How to Avoid:

  • Always check the sources you use to ensure they are original.
  • Be cautious when using work from other students or online resources.
  • Confirm that the materials you borrow are properly cited and not plagiarized.

Expert Tip

If you are writing an essay and are worried about plagiarism, then don’t miss out on some easy tips by an essay writer to help you avoid plagiarism.

Wrapping Up!

Plagiarism is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences, including academic penalties, legal action, and damage to one's reputation. All kinds of plagiarism must be avoided to preserve academic honesty. 

By following our tips to avoid different types of plagiarism, you can ensure that your work reflects your own hard work.

Struggling with your college essay? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Our dedicated team is ready to write your college essay for you, ensuring it's perfectly crafted and tailored to your needs. 

Say goodbye to writing woes and excel in your academics with our "write my college essay for me" service.

Plus, for those looking to explore cutting-edge technology, don't forget to try our essay writer AI tool to get original and plagiarism-free content. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What penalties can a person face for plagiarism?

The consequences of plagiarism depend on the situation. In academic environments, penalties can range from receiving a failing grade to being expelled. In professional or legal contexts, plagiarism can harm one’s reputation, lead to lawsuits, and result in serious legal consequences.

How is plagiarism detected?

Plagiarism is often detected using plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin, which compares submitted work to a large database of published content. In addition to software, experts can identify plagiarism by reviewing writing styles, and language patterns, and by conducting manual comparisons to known sources.

Can unintentional plagiarism still result in penalties?

Yes, even unintentional plagiarism can lead to consequences. While it might not be treated as harshly as deliberate plagiarism, it’s still important to acknowledge the mistake. Institutions may impose penalties to stress the importance of originality and proper citation practices.

Caleb S.


Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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